Whats in the goldbox?.png
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I know what you’re thinking.  Another LA based media production company. And…well…you’re not wrong! But this one’s worth your time.  Because time is money and we’ll stretch that $ a long way.

Goldbox Creative was founded in the new era of filmmaking -  this not too distant present where shooting vertical video is almost as accepted as shooting 16x9 (ALMOST).

But WE GET IT.  We all just want more more more.  Because nowadays there’s more more more to share.

As important as the commercial & campaign film and photography is (this is always the Hero!), we know how important the other content is too.  Broadcast, youtube, Instagram/IGTV, social media BTS photos - all these different formats and media all coexist for you to tell one cohesive, effective and beautiful story that’ll sell your vision and your product.

And thats what we do - from start to finish - collaborate & create content that has a clear vision across all platforms, from the :30 broadcast commercial to the product lay downs.

So, whats in the goldbox?

Storytelling inspired by old Hollywood. The aesthetics of modern fashion and design. And Top Industry talent - Writers, artists, storytellers, editors, and then some.  Drop off what you’re imagining, and we’ll bring it back in gold.

-Mitch Lemos. Owner, Director.

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